A Realtor’s Compassion: Pennie Arneson’s Unlikely Journey into Lifesaving Acts

The Real Estate Observer
2 min readJan 28, 2024


Pennie Arneson Saved Elderly Woman

In the bustling world of real estate, where transactions and properties take center stage, Pennie Arneson stands out not just as a realtor, but as a compassionate soul who extends her care far beyond the confines of the housing market.

One December morning, Pennie received a call that would set in motion a chain of events she could never have predicted. An elderly couple she had been keeping in touch with reached out to her, their plea echoing through the phone.

The wife had taken a fall two weeks prior, breaking her wrist, and the ensuing depression had cast a shadow over her days. Desperate for help, she turned to Pennie. Against the advice of others, even her own husband, who urged caution, Pennie decided to intervene.

Her heart guided her to take the woman to the hospital, expecting a psychiatric referral to address the deepening depression. Little did she know that this decision would unveil a medical mystery and potentially save a life.

Contrary to expectations, the hospital conducted a battery of tests, including a CAT scan and chest x-ray.

The revelation was shocking — since the fall, the elderly woman had been silently battling a brain bleed in a region known to trigger depression. The initial oversight during her previous hospital visit had neglected a crucial CT scan. To compound matters, she was also grappling with pneumonia.

Pennie’s determination to ask the right questions and follow through on her instincts became a pivotal moment. Instead of a psychiatric referral, a life-threatening condition was uncovered.

The medical intervention that followed, initially perceived as overkill, proved to be the lifeline that this elderly woman desperately needed.

After a 4 to 5-day hospital stay, the woman was able to return home, her life given a renewed chance thanks to Pennie’s compassion and decisive actions.

The realtor, who had forged a connection beyond the realm of property transactions, expressed gratitude to God and to Ricky, perhaps an unsung hero in this unexpected journey.

Pennie Arneson’s story is a testament to the profound impact that compassion and a willingness to defy convention can have on someone’s life.

In the midst of her real estate endeavors, Pennie became an inadvertent hero, reminding us all that sometimes, saving a life doesn’t require a cape — just a caring heart and the courage to act.

Author: Zoey Ziglar

Pennie is a Realtor here in Fort Lauderdale, FL. You can get in touch with her on Facebook or call/text her at 954–439–2913.



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