How to Onboard New Real Estate Agents Like a Pro

The Real Estate Observer
2 min readMar 28, 2024


How to onboard new real estate agents like a pro by Norman Szobotka
Photo by Clay Elliot on Unsplash

So, you’ve got some fresh faces joining your real estate team — awesome! Now, let’s talk about how to get them up and running smoothly without all the stress and confusion.

  1. Lay the Groundwork:

First things first, set up a clear plan for onboarding. Think about what your new agents need to know and do to hit the ground running. Make sure everyone’s on the same page from day one.

2. Gear Up:

Get your newbies equipped with all the tools they need to succeed. That means access to CRMs, marketing materials, and any other tech stuff that’s essential for the job.

3. Personalize the Training:

Everyone learns differently, right? So, tailor your training to fit each agent’s style. Pair them up with experienced mentors who can show them the ropes and offer some real-world wisdom.

4. Set Expectations Straight:

Be crystal clear about what you expect from your new agents. Give them clear goals and targets to aim for, so they know exactly what success looks like.

5. Keep Learning Fun:

Real estate is always changing, so encourage your newbies to keep learning. Send them to workshops, training sessions, or whatever floats their boat to stay sharp.

6. Listen and Adapt:

Check in with your new agents regularly. Ask them how they’re doing and what could be better. Use their feedback to tweak your onboarding process and make it even better.

7. Celebrate Wins:

Don’t forget to celebrate those little victories along the way. Whether it’s landing their first client or acing a training module, give your newbies a pat on the back to keep them motivated.

Some might say that throwing new agents into the deep end is the best way to learn. While trial by fire might work for a select few, most agents benefit from a structured onboarding process that provides support and guidance from day one.

Ready to streamline your onboarding process and set your new agents up for success? Discover how Agently can help with personalized onboarding, training, recognition, and retention.

Schedule a demo today to see it in action!

Author: Norman Szobotka



The Real Estate Observer

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