Post-Mortem Analysis of a Real Estate Agent (Part 1)

Why the grass isn’t greener on the other side

The Real Estate Observer
3 min readJul 16, 2024

Let’s face it: many Realtors struggle because they don’t give their efforts enough time to pay off.

Impatience is rampant, leading agents to abandon strategies at the first sign of trouble. But here’s the reality: success in real estate is a long game, not a quick fix.

Chasing the illusion of greener pastures by constantly switching strategies and brokerages is a recipe for disaster.

New brokerage, same problems. The promises of better leads, splits, and superior tech are often just that — promises.

What’s missing is the recognition that building a successful real estate career is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency and time are your best friends, not the latest shiny brokerage.

And then there’s the obsession with AI and deep tech. Sure, these tools have their place, but let’s be clear — they aren’t the magic bullet for more business. Real estate thrives on human connection.

No AI can replace the trust and rapport built between a Realtor and their clients. Buyers and sellers want a human who understands their needs and can guide them through one of the most significant transactions of their lives. They don’t want an algorithm.

AI can spit out data and predict trends, but it can’t shake a hand, reassure a nervous buyer, or celebrate a sale.

The real power in real estate lies in personal connections and the ability to navigate the emotional landscape of buying and selling homes. Those who think they can replace this with tech are missing the point entirely.

Instead of getting lost in complex AI models, focus on straightforward predictive tools that forecast your sales for the next 90 days based on your current real estate conversations.

This isn’t just theory; it’s a proven method for closing more deals, maintaining discipline, and turning time into your greatest ally.

If you want to operate your business with discipline rather than relying on willpower and motivation, check out Orácle — the first predictive sales analytics tool in real estate that your coach should have recommended.

Oracle | orá — real estate’s first predictive analytics

Here’s the bottom line: AI will become just another tool in the toolbox.

The real winners will be those professional realtors who double down on what truly matters — relationships.

They will thrive because they understand that, in the end, it’s the human element that drives success in this industry.

Let’s stop chasing the next big tech trend, lead gen & marketing companies, or the next brokerage promise and start focusing on the people.

That’s where the real business happens.



The Real Estate Observer

Industry-specific news, ideas, questions, stories, articles, reviews, and anything related to the business of selling real estate.