White House Gaslighting: Biden’s False Claims on NAR Settlement Ignite Controversy

How to lose 1.5M votes in a blink

The Real Estate Observer
3 min readMar 28, 2024

President Joe Biden told a blatant lie and no one fact checked him on the NAR settlement.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

“Last week the NAR agreed for the first time that Americans can negotiate lower commissions when they buy or sell their home on a …*lagging*… alone can save folks an average of $10,000 on the sale or purchase.

I’m calling on Realtors to follow through on lowering their commissions to protect homebuyers.”

The President has furthered the incorrect claims that the recently announced settlement agreement allows Americans to negotiate commissions for the “first time”.

This seems to be one of the biggest gaslight from the President when he says what they’re doing is working to increase inventory and keep costs down.

White House telling us what to do with our commissions is laughable. While these politicians are making millions off insider trading with no repercussions.

Commissions have always been negotiable, it’s distasteful that he insinuates hard-working REALTORS® are the problem for the housing affordability crisis.

Previously inflation was blamed on Russia — not the fact that the Feds have printed over 10 trillion dollars since COVID, not the fact that corporations are having historical profit margins since the money has been printed.

Instead it is us who are charging too much commissions… He probably doesn’t realize the average American Realtor only makes 40k a year (chuckles).

The fact this amount of gas lighting comes from the White House just boggles my mind.

Oh I’m sure the home prices skyrocketing had nothing to do with improper quantitative easing due to pressure on the Feds from two parties and multiple administrations to get the “economy back on track” or “have record growth” or “record stock markets” etc.

If they hadn’t kept our interest rates artifically low, we could have lowered the interest rates when covid hit instead of creating 80% of money in circulation in 3 years.

But yeah, shift the blame to the people who are actually doing their job, so your constituents don’t realize you are putting those houses in the hands of institutional investor AKA major donors.

I’m sure CNN, MSN, and the major news outlets will spread your misinformation since they are owned by those same institutions.

And “lower their commissions to protect home buyers”?

If buyers have to pay, many will just forego representation and call each listing agent direct, of any house they want to see. And buyers and sellers are being led to believe that said listing agents will handle both sides for only their side of the fee.

It is taking things back to before buyer agents existed, only worse now.

The White House says it will save buyers money on the purchase, when they didn’t normally have to pay an agent at all. So clueless!

What are your thoughts?

If buyer agents can’t prove their value, they’re in trouble in the near future.

Buyers that don’t want to pay won’t agree to only seeing homes that do. If they want a particular house and they don’t want to pay, they’ll figure a way to get it without an agent.

Nothing negative, just reality.

Author: Norman Szobotka



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